Adelaide Research Unit on Military Law and Ethics (University of Adelaide)
- Stephens, D. (2019) “Combined Exercises and International Humanitarian Law Training: Fostering a Culture of Norm Compliance?,” in Linton, S., McCormack, T., and Sivakumaran, S. (eds) Asia-Pacific Perspectives on International Humanitarian Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 670–687. Available at:
- Stephens, D., Stubbs, M. (eds.) (2019) Law of Naval Warfare. LexisNexis Butterworths [details]
- de Zwart, M. (2018) Outer Space. In Boothby, W. H. (ed.) New Technologies and the Law in War and Peace. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 337–358. Available at:
- Stephens, D. (2019). Roots of Restraint in War: The Capacities and Limits of Law and the Critical Role of Social Agency in Ameliorating Violence in Armed Conflict. Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies 10, 1, 58-75, Available from:
- Stubbs, M., Stephens, D. (2019) Law, War, Ethics and Conscience: An Enduring Conundrum, Adelaide Law Review, 40(2). Available at:
- de Zwart, M., Stephens, D. (2019) The Space (Innovation) Race: The Inevitable Relationship between Military Technology and Innovation, Melbourne Journal of International Law, 20(1), Available from:
- Henderson, S. and Fitzmaurice, J. (2019) On the Legality of Mars Colonisation, Adelaide Law Review, 40(3). Available at:
Cardozo School of Law
- Rona, G. (2019) Observations of Professor Gabor Rona on the Pre-Trial Chamber’s Conclusion that Events Beyond the Territory of Afghanistan Lack Sufficient Nexus to the Armed Conflict There for Purposes of Application of Rome Statute War Crimes. International Criminal Court, ICC-02/17-111. Available from:
Institute for International Peace and Security Law (University of Cologne)
- Kreß, C. (2019) Preliminary Observations on the ICC Appeals Chamber’s Judgment of 6 May 2019 in the Jordan Referral re Al-Bashir Appeal, FICHL Occasional Paper Series. Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher. Available at:
- Kreß, C. (2019) The Law of Naval Warfare and International Criminal Law: Germany’s Federal Prosecutor on The Gaza Flotilla Incident. In Dinstein, Y. (Eds.). (2019). Israel Yearbook on Human Rights, Volume 49 (2019). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill | Nijhoff. Available from:
- Kreß, C., Garibian, S. (2018) Laying the Foundations for a Convention on Crimes Against Humanity: Concluding Observations, Journal of International Criminal Justice, Volume 16, Issue 4, Pages 909–957. Available at:
- Kreß, C. and Barriga, S. (eds) (2016) The Crime of Aggression: A Commentary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Available at:
- Bhuta, N., Beck, S., Geiβ, R., Kreβ, C., Liu, H. (2016) Autonomous Weapons Systems: Law, Ethics, Policy. Cambridge University Press.
Kalshoven-Gieskes Forum on International Humanitarian Law
IHL in Action – Respect for the Law on the Battlefield
Compliance with International Humanitarian Law is documented in the database ‘IHL in Action: Respect for the Law on the Battlefield’. Leiden University students who are part of the IHL Clinic offered by the Kalshoven-Gieskes Forum on IHL and its staff, are contributing to this database. Real-life case studies that illustrate how states and non-state actors comply with the rules governing the conduct of hostilities can be found here
- Bongard, P. and Heffes E. (2020). Engaging armed non-State actors on the prohibition of recruiting and using children in hostilities: Some reflections from Geneva Call’s experience. In: International Review of the Red Cross, 101(911), pp. 603-621. Available at:
- Heffes, E., Kotlik, M.D. and Ventura, M.J. (2020). International Humanitarian Law and Non-State Actors: Debates, Law and Practice. The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press and Berlin: Springer. Available at:
- Poulopoulou, S. (2020). Monitoring IHL Compliance during Non-International Armed Conflicts: The Need for a Complementary Approach-Part I and II. [Blog] Armed Groups and International Law [Published 17/18 March 2020]. Available at:
- Heinsch, R.W. (2019). Modern drone warfare and the geographical scope of application of IHL: pushing the limits of territorial boundaries? In: J.D. Ohlin (ed.), Research Handbook on Remote Warfare. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 79-109. Available at:
- Poulopoulou, S. (2019). Strengthening compliance with IHL: Back to Square One. [Blog] EJIL: Talk!: Blog of the European Journal of International Law [Published 14 February 2019]. Available at:
- Poulopoulou, S. (2019). The Supervisory Functions and Practice of the Second Protocol Committee for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict. [Blog] Opinio Juris [Published 7 August 2019]. Available at:
- D’Alessandra, F. and Heinsch, R.W. (2018). Rethinking the Relationship between Jus in Bello and Jus ad Bellum: A Dialogue Between Authors. In: L.N. Sadat (ed.), Seeking Accountability For The Unlawful Use Of Force. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.453-492. Available at
- Heinsch, R.W. (2018). The Future of the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission: A Possibility to Overcome the Weakness of IHL Compliance Mechanisms? In: N. Pons and D. Djukić (eds.), Companion of International Humanitarian Law. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill | Nijhoff, pp. 79-97. Available at:
- Heinsch, R.W. (2018). Principle of Distinction. In: N. Pons and D. Djukić (eds.), Companion of International Humanitarian Law. The Netherlands: Brill | Nijhoff, pp. 308-309. Available at:
- Heinsch, R.W. (2018). Conduct of Hostilities. In: N. Pons and D. Djukić (eds.), Companion of International Humanitarian Law. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill | Nijhoff, pp. 379-383. Available at:
- Heinsch, R.W. (2018). Indiscriminate Attacks. In: N. Pons and D. Djukić (eds.), Companion of International Humanitarian Law. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill | Nijhoff, pp. 408-412. Available at:
- Heinsch R.W. and Chevalier, L. (2018). The Educational Value of International Humanitarian Law Clinics: The Examples of Leiden and Bochum. In: Humanitäres Völkerrecht, 2018(1), pp. 225-240. Available at:
- Pinzauti G. (2018). Attacks against Historic Monuments, Works of Art and Places of Worship. In: N. Pons and D. Djukić (eds.), Companion of International Humanitarian Law. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill | Nijhoff, pp. 196-199. Available at:
- Pinzauti G. (2018). Attacks against Non-defended Localities and Demilitarised Zones. In: N. Pons and D. Djukić (eds.), Companion of International Humanitarian Law. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill | Nijhoff, pp. 199-202. Available at:
- Pinzauti G. (2018). Nuclear Weapons. In: N. Pons and D. Djukić (eds.), Companion of International Humanitarian Law. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill | Nijhoff, pp. 536-540. Available at:
- Pinzauti G. (2018). Public International Law. In: N. Pons and D. Djukić (eds.), Companion of International Humanitarian Law. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill | Nijhoff, pp. 589-590. Available at:
- Pinzauti G. (2018). State Responsibility. In: N. Pons and D. Djukić (eds.), Companion of International Humanitarian Law. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill | Nijhoff, pp. 661-664. Available at:
- Heinsch, R.W. (2017). Rule 84: Individual criminal responsibility for war crimes. In M.N. Schmitt (ed.), Tallinn Manual 2.0 on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Operations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 391-396. Available at:
- Heinsch, R.W. (2017). The International Committee of the Red Cross and the Geneva Conventions of 1949. In: R. Geiss, A. Zimmermann and S. Haumer (eds.), Humanizing the Laws of War: The Red Cross and the Development of International Humanitarian Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 27-56. Available at:
- Heinsch R.W., and Poulopoulou, S. (2017). Difficulties in Prosecuting Drone Strikes as a War Crime under International Criminal Law: An International Humanitarian Law Perspective. In: Litigating Drone Strikes: Challenging the Global Network of Remote Killing. [online]Berlin: European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, pp. 58-84. Available at:
- Heinsch R.W. (2016). Chapter 10: Foreign Fighters and International Criminal Law. In: de Guttry, A., Capone, F., and Paulussen, C. (eds.) Foreign Fighters under International Law and Beyond. The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press and Berlin: Springer, pp. 161-185. Available at:
LACMO research group (University of Amsterdam)
- Boddens Hosang, J.F.R. (2020) Rules of Engagement and the International Law of Military Operations [details]
- Boddens Hosang, J.F.R. (2020) An Operational Perspective. In: Geiss, R., Krieger, H. & Lahmann, H.C. The legal pluriverse surrounding multinational military operations. Oxford University Press [details]
- Gill, T. D., & Tibori Szabo, K. J. (2019). Twelve Key Question on Self-Defense against Non- State Actors. International Law Studies (Naval War College), 95(467), 468-505. Available at SSRN: or
- van den Boogaard, J.C. & Vermeer, A. (2019). Precautions in attack and urban and siege warfare, Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, vol. 20 (2017), pp. 163-198. Available at:
- Ducheine, P., & Gill, T. (2018) From Cyber Operations to Effects: Some Targeting Issues, Militair Rechtelijk Tijdschrift, 111(3), 37-41. Available at:
- Gill, T., Geiß, R., Heinsch, R., Arimatsu, L., van den Boogaard, J., Corn, G., … Zyberi, G. (2018). Final Report ILA Study Group on the Conduct of Hostilities: The Conduct of Hostilities Under International Humanitarian Law: Challenges of 21st Century Warfare. Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, 19 (2016), 287-336. [details]
- Fink, M. (2018). Maritime interception and the law of naval operations: A study of legal bases and regimes of maritime interception. The Hague: Asser Press. [details]
- Fink, M. (2018). De nieuwe commentaren bij het Tweede Verdrag van Genève voor de verbetering van het lot der gewonden, zieken en schipbreukelingen. Militair Rechtelijk Tijdschrift, 111(2), 16-24. [details]
- van den Boogaard, J.C. (2018). Knock on the Roof: Legitimate Warning or Method of Warfare? Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, vol. 19 (2016), 183-210. Available at:
- Boddens Hosang, J.F.R. (2017) The Effects of Paradigm Shifts on the Rules on the Use of Force in Military Operations. Netherlands International Law Review 64, 353–373. Available at:
- Ducheine, P.A.L., van Haaster, J. & van Harskamp, R. (2017) Manoeuvring and Generating Effects in the Information Environment. In Ducheine, P.A.L. & Osinga, F.P.B. (eds), Netherlands Annual Review of Military Studies 2017: Winning Without Killing: The Strategic and Operational Utility of Non-Kinetic Capabilities in Crises. NL ARMS, Asser Press, 155-179. Available at:
- Gill, T. D., Fleck, D., Boothby, W. H., Vanheusden, A. (Ed.), Benatar, M., Jorritsma, R., … Zwanenburg, M. (2017). Leuven Manual on the International Law Applicable to Peace Operations: prepared by an international Group of Experts at the invitation of the International Society for Military Law and the Law of War. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Available at: [details]
- Fink, M. D. (2017). Naval Blockade and the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen. Netherlands International Law Review, 65(2), 291-307. [details]
- Schmitt, M. N., Vihul, L., Akande, D., Brown, G. D., Ducheine, P., Gill, T. D., … Blumbergs, B. (2017). Tallinn Manual 2.0 on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Operations: prepared by the International Groups of Experts at the Invitation of the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence. (2 ed.) Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Available at: [details]
- Voetelink, J. (2017) Reframing Lawfare. in PAL Ducheine & FPB Osinga (eds), Netherlands Annual Review of Military Studies 2017: Winning Without Killing: The Strategic and Operational Utility of Non-Kinetic Capabilities in Crises. NL-ARMS, Asser Press, The Hague, 237-254. Available at:
- Boddens Hosang, J.F.R. (2016) Rules of Engagement and Targeting. In Ducheine, P.A.L. and Schmitt, M.N., Targeting: The Challenges of Modern Warfare, TMC Asser Press, 159-174 [details]
- Ducheine, P.A.L., Schmitt, M.N., Osinga, F.P.B. (eds) (2016) Targeting: the challenges of modern warfare. Asser Press, The Hague. Available at:
- Ducheine, P.A.L. 2016, ”Je hoeft geen zwaard en schild te dragen om ridder te zijn’: Mythen over digitale oorlogvoering en recht’, Militaire Spectator, vol. 185, no. 3, 123-135.
- Gill, T. D. (2016). Classifying the Conflict in Syria. International Law Studies (Naval War College), 92, 353-380. Available at: [details]
- Ducheine, P. (2015) The notion of cyber operations. In Tsagourias N. & Buchan, R. (eds), Research handbook on international law and cyberspace. Research handbooks in international law, Edward Elgar (211-232). Available at:
- Gill, T. D. (2015). Characterization and Legal Basis for Peace Operations. In T. D. Gill, & D. Fleck (Eds.), The handbook of the international law of military operations. – 2nd edition (pp. 153-160). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [details]
- Heintschel von Heinegg, W., & Fink, M. D. (2015). Maritime interception/interdiction operations. In T. D. Gill, & D. Fleck (Eds.), The handbook of the international law of military operations. – 2nd edition (pp. 422-443). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [details]
- van den Boogaard, J. (2015) Proportionality and Autonomous Weapons Systems, Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies, vol. 6, no. 2, 247-283.
- Voetelink, J. (2015) Status of forces: criminal jurisdiction over military personnel abroad. Asser Press, The Hague. Available at:
- Voetelink, J. (2013) Status of Forces and Criminal Jurisdiction, Netherlands International Law Review, vol. 60, no. 2, 231-250. Available at:
- Voetelink, J. (2013) EvBO: Evidence-Based Operations. How to remove the bad guys from the battlefield, Humanitäres Völkerrecht, vol. 26, no. 4, 194-201. Available as pre-publication working paper at:
Stockton Center for International Law
- Kraska, J. (2019) Maritime Interdiction of North Korean Ships under UN Sanctions, 37 Berkeley Journal of International Law, 369
- Kraska, J. (2019). An Archival History of the Creation and Early Implementation of the Freedom of Navigation Program. In An Archival History of the Creation and Early Implementation of the Freedom of Navigation Program, Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill | Nijhoff. Available from: [Accessed 07 May 2020]
- Kraska, J., Predrozo, R. (2018) The Free Sea. The American Fight for Freedom of Navigation. Naval Institute PressSchmitt, M. N. (2017) Tallinn Manual 2.0 on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Operations. 2nd edn. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Available from:
- Ducheine P.A.L., Schmitt M.N., Osinga F.P.B. (eds) (2016) Targeting: The Challenges of Modern Warfare. T.M.C. Asser Press, The Hague
- Schmitt, M. N. (2019) “Wired warfare 3.0: Protecting the civilian population during cyber operations,” International Review of the Red Cross. Cambridge University Press, 101(910), pp. 333–355. Available from:
- Schmitt, M.N., Schauss, M. (2019) Uncertainty in the Law of Targeting: Towards a Cognitive Framework. 10 Harvard National Security Journal 148–194.
- Schmitt, M.N. (2017) Peacetime Cyber Responses and and Wartime Cyber Operations under International Law: An Analytical Vade Mecum. 8 Harvard National Security Journal 239-282
- Pedrozo, R. (2019) U.S. Employment of Marine Unmanned Vehicles in the South China Sea, in: Buszynski, L., Thanh Hai, D., The South China Sea. From a Regional Maritime Dispute to Geo-Strategic Competition, Routledge
- Pedrozo, R. (2020) Maintaining Freedom of Navigation and Overflight in the Exclusive Economic Zone and on the High Seas, Indonesian Journal of International Law (forthcoming in the summer/fall 2020)Wilson, B. (2019) Advancing the Law of Vessel Interference by Non-State Actors, 55 Texas International Law Journal 159
- Wilson, B. (2019) Models for Maritime Collaboration in the South China Sea: National-level Coordination. In Models for Maritime Collaboration in the South China Sea: National-level Coordination, Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill | Nijhoff. Available from: brill [Accessed 07 May 2020]
- Dubay, D. (forthcoming 2020) Round Two for Arctic Fishing? Center for Oceans Law & Policy (series), 43rd Annual Conference, Brill Nijhoff
- Rizotti, M. (forthcoming 2020) Russian Mercenaries, State Responsibility, and Conflict in Syria: Examining the Wagner Group under International Law, Wisconsin International Law Journal
- Tinkler, K, Sari, A. (2019) Collateral Damage and the Enemy, British Yearbook of International Law. Available from:
- Davis, J. (forthcoming 2020) Bilateral Defense-related Treaties and the Dilemma Posed by the Law of Neutrality, Harvard National Security Journal
- Biller, J., Schmitt, M.N. (2019) Classification of Cyber Capabilities and Operations as Weapons, Means, or Methods of Warfare, International Law Studies 179–225. Available from:
- Biller, J. (2020) Air Power, International Law and Ethics, in: Olsen, J.A., Routledge Handbook of Air Power, Routledge
- Maddocks, J. (2019) Outsourcing of Governmental Functions in Contemporary Conflict: Rethinking the Issue of Attribution, 59 Virginia Journal of International Law 47. Available from:
- Saito, Y. (2019) Reviewing Law of Armed Conflict at Sea and Warfare in New Domains and New Measures: Submarine Cables, Merchant Missile Ships, and Unmanned Marine Systems, 44 Tulane Maritime Law Journal 107
Centre for Operational and International Law Swedish Defence University
- Ericson, M. (2020) – On the Virtual Borderline: Cyber operations and their impact on the paradigms for peace and war – Aspects of International and Swedish Domestic Law” (Doctoral Dissertation), Uppsala University, ISBN 978-91-506-2802-9, 2020
- Hayashi, N. (2020). Military Necessity: The Art, Morality and Law of War (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020)
- Kleffner, J.K. (2020). “Responsibility of OAGs controlling territory: attributing conduct to ISIS”, in: Rogier Bartels, Jeroen C. van den Boogaard, Paul A. L. Ducheine, Eric Pouw, Joop Voetelink (eds.), Military operations and the notion of control under international law, Liber Amicorum Terry D. Gill, TMC Asser Press (2020) 307-328 (with Katharine Fortin)
- Kleffner, J.K. (2020) “Article 33: Rights and Privileges of Retained Personnel”, in ICRC Commentary on Geneva Convention III relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, Cambridge University Press, print-version forthcoming 2021; online version available at:
- Kleffner, J.K. (2020). “A Bird’s-eye view on compliance with the law of armed conflict 70 years after the adoption of the Geneva Conventions”, 22 YIHL (2019) 107-124
- Kleffner, J.K. (2020). Dinstein / Dahl (eds.), Oslo Manual on Select Topics of the Law of Armed Conflict – Rules and Commentary, Springer 2020, open access: (as member of the group of experts)
- Ericson, M. (2019), ”Krisberedskaps- och totalförsvarslagstiftning: en bilaga till Förutsättningar för krisberedskap och totalförsvar i Sverige”, Centrum för Totalförsvar och samhällets säkerhet (CTSS), Försvarshögskolan, 2019
- Harrison Dinniss. H. A. (2019). ‘Legal Aspects of Human Enhancement Technologies’ in William H. Boothby (ed) New Technologies and the Law in War and Peace (Cambridge University Press, 2019) 230-257.
- Hayashi, N. (2019). ‘Is the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons Accessible to Umbrella States?’, in Jonathan L. Black-Branch and Dieter Fleck (eds.), Nuclear Non-Proliferation in International Kaw, Vol. IV: Human Perspectives on the Development and Use of Nuclear Energy (The Hague: Springer/T.M.C. Asser Press, 2019), 377-394
- Kleffner, J.K. (2019). “The Legal Fog of an Illusion: Three Reflections on ‘Organization’ and ‘Intensity’ as Criteria for the Temporal Scope of the Law of Non-International Armed Conflict”, 95 International Law Studies (2019) 161-178
- Winther, P. (2019), International Humanitarian Law and Influence Operations: The Protection of Civilians form Unlawful Communication Influence Activities during Armed Conflict (Doctoral Dissertation) (Uppsala, 2019)
- Harrison Dinniss. H. A. (2018). ‘The Threat of Cyber Terrorism and what International Law should (try to) do about it” (2018) 19 Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 43-50.
- Hayashi, N. (2018). ‘Performance of International Criminal Tribunals’, in Theresa Squatrito, Oran R. Young, Andreas Føllesdal and Geir Ulfstein (eds.), The Performance of International Courts and Tribunals (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018), 154-190
- Hayashi, N. (2018). ‘To The Problem of Military Necessity’, 2017 Russian Yearbook of International Law (St. Petersburg: Russian Association of International Law, 2018), 114-123
- Kleffner, J.K. (2018). “Military Collaterals and Ius in Bello proportionality”, 48 Israel Yearbook of Human Rights (2018) 43-61
- Kleffner, J.K. (2018). Attacks against works or installations containing dangerous forces, in: Niccolò Pons and Drazan Djukić (eds), The Companion to International Humanitarian Law, Brill (2018), pp. 205-207
- Kleffner, J.K. (2018). Superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering, in: Niccolò Pons and Drazan Djukić (eds), The Companion to International Humanitarian Law, Brill (2018), pp. 669-672